Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Week 4, Thing 8, RSS

Well, I already knew what RSS was. But I didn't realize just how easy it would be to set up an RSS aggregator. I used Google Reader because that's the reader that was used in the Blip TV video. When the instructions for this assignment stated to subscribe to at least 5 newsfeeds, I wasn't (and still am not) sure if blogs could be counted in that 5, but my list does have some blogs. I've started out subscribing to the Anchorage Daily News, Unshelved, School Library Journal, Doug Johnson's Blue Skunk Blog, and LISNews - Librarian and Information Science News. I had heard of and looked at all of these at one time or another except LISNews. I like that I don't have to think about going to these places and looking if there is anything new. But, I can also see that having all this information waiting for me could be tremendously time consuming to go through. I'm still not caught up on all my personal email! I have thought about having a wiki for students to do book reviews and that could be set us as an RSS, but I haven't come up with any other ways to use RSS with my students. I've been looking for good feeds for new book reviews for elementary age kids, I can see how that would be helpful to me professionally.

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