Monday, July 28, 2008

Week 9, Thing 23, Copyright, Creative Commons, and Final Reflections

When I was watching "A Fair(y) Use Tale" my kids came in to see what it was.  They both watched the whole thing and thought it was entertaining.  That's an endorsement in and of itself.  I could see using it to reinforce what I've already taught about copyright.  I had heard about Creative Commons, but had never poked around their site before.  It was good to have the opportunity to so. 
I had heard about many of the Web 2.0 applications that this class explored before.  But I didn't have the time to dig into them and find out anything more that superficial familiarity.  There were a few bad links that the RAW 2.0 team fixed when I (or someone else) let them know. There were also a couple of typos that I viewed as giving this course a human touch.  I especially liked the reference to "communters" using audiobooks.  I had visions of bus riders communing together on their way to and from work.  I liked doing the class in the summer when I could devote lots of time to exploring and clicking around and never really getting anything done.  On the down side, I found the online format to not be my first choice in learning.  I felt like I was writing my blog entries in a void most of the time.  Thank you Ann for all your responses, but was hoping for more feedback from others too.  This class has me thinking about technology differently and how I can and should use it in my library to engage my students.           

1 comment:

Ann said...


I appreciate your willingness to jump into this. I completely understand the feeling of isolation in online courses. I really miss the interaction of a class and face to face learning.

Let me know if you would be interested in helping keep on top of a group of blogs for the next class....
